Uno, Nessuno, Centomila

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Chris Kore / AImnesia. Memory 0.3
Chris Kore / AImnesia. Memory 0.4
Chris Kore / AImnesia. Memory 0.5
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Chrystal Ding / Performance I: Harm
Chrystal Ding / Performance II: Skin
Chrystal Ding / Performance II: Skin on Repeat
Chrystal Ding / Performance III: Blue
Chrystal Ding / Performance IV: Clinic
Chrystal Ding / Performance VI: Lucid
Giovanni Muzio / Oneiric Mirror – Faceless I
Giovanni Muzio / Oneiric Mirror – Faceless II
Giovanni Muzio / Oneiric Mirror – Faceless III
Isabella Salas × Nora Golic / CONHUMANITY
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Mike Tyka / TinaTkurtz1222
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Moisés Horta Valenzuela / Imicca Tanima (La Muerte del Alma No.1)
Moisés Horta Valenzuela / Imicca Tanima (La Muerte del Alma No.2)
Moisés Horta Valenzuela / Imicca Tanima (La Muerte del Alma No.3)
Pat Pataranutaporn / Machinoia : Machine of Multiple Me
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Moisés Horta Valenzuela

Imicca Tanima (La Muerte del Alma No.1)
Unique Artwork

"Like a painting
we will start fading.
Like a flower,
we will dry up
here on earth.
As a vestment of the plumage of a zacuan bird,
of the precious bird with a rubber neck,
we will run out
we're going to his house."

- excerpt from "Percibo lo secreto" by Nezahualcóyotl, written around 1400 d.C.

'Imicca Tanima (La Muerte del Alma) (EN: The Death of the Soul)' is a series of neural network generated artworks which explore themes of self and the ephemerality of existence. In this series, artist Moisés Horta utilises recursive composition alongside a Generative Adversarial Network trained on pre-hispanic artefacts from México.

Flow, non-linearity and the cyclical characterise 'Imicca Tanima', and are posed as a critique to transhumanism's future promise of human immortality. Instead, the artist embraces the ephemeral and fleeting as conceptual frameworks for co-creating with an Artificial Intelligence which has learned to synthesise images from ancient heritage artefacts that attest to a history of colonialism in the Americas.

Moisés Horta Valenzuela
Moisés Horta Valenzuela (1988, he/him) is an autodidact sound artist, technologist and electronic musician from Tijuana, México, working in the fields of computer music, Artificial Intelligence and the history and politics of emerging digital technologies.
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Moisés Horta Valenzuela
is presented by
Umanesimo Artificiale
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other works by

Moisés Horta Valenzuela

Moisés Horta Valenzuela / Imicca Tanima (La Muerte del Alma No.3)
Moisés Horta Valenzuela
Imicca Tanima (La Muerte del Alma No.3)
Unique Artwork
Moisés Horta Valenzuela / Imicca Tanima (La Muerte del Alma No.2)
Moisés Horta Valenzuela
Imicca Tanima (La Muerte del Alma No.2)
Unique Artwork

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